Based on observations in urban space, the students in the class developed works that pursue a documentary, performative or experimental approach, are narrative / non-narrative / anti-narrative, critical, humorous or surreal. They reflect, uncover, look behind and at facades, question, illuminate, criticize, rethink, intervene, dissect, model, make fun and hurt.
Thanks to all lecturers in the summer semester 2024
Valentin Oellers, Sebastian Klatt, Rosanna Graf, Mariya Vasilyeva, Till Beckman, Sabina Labis, Martin Pflüger
Subin Ahn
Anhelina Chernyshova
Ileana Farabani
Zhefan Gu
Fritz Hahn
Sára Holczer
Lea Holická
Félicie Jaigu
Sergey Kuchin
Antony Langeheinecke
Thai May Nguyen
Pauline Pyras
Johanna Rohr
Moana Schorlemer Filipe
Justus Siebrecht
Yan Tashtoush
Lea Weigert